Complaints to Compare Club

Unhappy with our service?

The Compare Club team aims to meet the highest possible standards for our customers but there may be times when you feel we've fallen short. We want to make sure we can put things right.

We take all feedback seriously. We'll work with you to address the complaint quickly, and aim to find a resolution that is fair and reasonable. In reaching this we will be guided by our Complaint and Dispute Resolution Procedure. This document is available on request.

How to complain

Below is a summary of our Complaint and Dispute Resolution Procedure.

  1. Let us know as soon as possible if you have a concern. We accept complaints in writing or over the phone. Please make sure you supply any supporting documentation or records.
    Phone:1300 743 980
    Post:Customer Complaints, Compare Club, 7/222 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
  2. A specialist will aim to resolve your complaint within 3 working days for health insurance and 5 working days for life insurance, energy and home loans.

  3. If your complaint is not resolved within 3 working days for health insurance and 5 working days for all other products, it will be addressed by a Team Leader.

  4. If you're not satisfied with the Team Leader's response, we'll refer the matter to our Compliance Manager, who will try to resolve your complaint. This process will take approximately 5-7 days to complete.

If the complaint relates to benefits or services provided by one of our partners, we can help you lodge your complaint with this partner.

If we can't resolve your complaint

We aim to resolve all complaints within a timely and satisfactory manner. If you're still unhappy with the resolution, you may contact the relevant regulatory body.

Different products have different Ombudsmen. We've outlined who these are below.

Health insurance

Health insurance disputes are handled by the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman.
Phone:1300 362 072
Post:Commonwealth Ombudsman, GPO Box 442 Canberra ACT 2601

For general information about private health insurance, see .

Life insurance, personal loans, home loans and car loans

If we have not resolved a complaint in this area within 45 days, you may take your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
Phone:1800 931 678
Post:GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001


The Ombudsman is different from state-to-state.


Energy and Water Ombudsman:
Phone:1800 500 509
Post:GPO Box 469 Melbourne VIC 3001

New South Wales

Energy and Water Ombudsman:
Phone:1800 246 545
Post:Reply Paid 86550, Sydney South NSW 1234

South Australia

Energy and Water Ombudsman:

Phone:1800 665 565
Post:GPO Box 2947, Adelaide, SA 5001


Energy and Water Ombudsman:
Phone:1800 662 837
Post:Po Box 3640 South Brisbane QLD 4101

Australian Capital Territory

Energy and Water Ombudsman:
Phone:(02) 6207 1740
Post:GPO Box 370, Canberra ACT 2601

Privacy complaints

We take your privacy seriously. If you believe your privacy has been interfered with and wish to make a complaint, please contact our Compliance Manager at

The Compliance Manager will investigate your complaint and notify you of the outcome.

If it appears from your complaint that there has been an interference with privacy by a person other than CCH, the Compliance Manager may discuss the complaint with that person in an attempt to resolve it.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, or you do not receive a response to your complaint within 30 days, you may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Complaints to the OAIC must be made in writing.

Where possible, complaints to the OAIC should be made through the online Privacy Complaint form, available at .

Dated June 2021