Do you know how to turn up the heat this winter and save?

Fact Checked
Updated 14/06/2024
Do you know how to turn up the heat this winter and save?

Time to read : 4 Minutes

It’s that time of year again when the temperature plummets, the days are shorter and the nights are longer. But you can still keep toasty warm and save money on your energy bills.  

We’ve put together a guide of easy and effective ways to boost your home's energy efficiency this winter.

Quick fixes for immediate savings

Tune-up your home heating system

Before it’s  too late, check sure your heating system is running smoothly. When did you last service,  replace or fix your heating system or hot water heater? Ensure any reverse cycle systems have clean filters to keep everything running efficiently, and cleanly.

Invest in a smart thermostat

A smart thermostat can save you a lot on energy bills. It adjusts the temperature based on your daily routine and the weather, so you only use energy when you need it. Set it to lower the heat when you're sleeping or not at home.

Bonus tip: if smart thermostats seem a bit pricey, a good rule of thumb is to keep your heating system set to 20 degrees or less. For every degree that it’s set higher, it can increase heating costs by around 10%.

Stop draughts

Draughts can really hike up your heating bills. Use weather-stripping and caulk to seal gaps around doors and windows. It's a simple fix that can make a big difference.

Use blockout curtains

Blockout curtains are great for keeping your heat in. Open them up during the day to let in some sunlight, and close them at night to keep your warmth from escaping.

Adjust your water heater

Set your water heater to 60°C to save on energy. If you have an older model, wrap it in an insulating blanket to reduce heat loss. If you’re going away, lower the temperature while  away .

Review your energy provider

Based on estimates from The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) you could save up to $400* on your household energy bills. And at the time of writing, some states have deals that are up to 35% off the reference price.

Our energy experts do all the comparison work for you – and handle your paperwork. Speak to Compare Club’s energy experts about finding a better deal for you, as some retailers have super low introductory offers, depending on where you live.

Bonus tip: check your state government website to see if you’re entitled to any energy rebates. 60% of Aussies don’t claim concessions they’re entitled to and it’s the easiest way to cut your bill.

Investments for long-term savings

Upgrade your windows

If you have old, single-pane windows, consider upgrading to double-glazed or energy-efficient windows. These help keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, saving you money all year-round.

Improve home insulation

Good insulation is key to maintaining your home's temperature. Check and upgrade the insulation in your attic, walls, and floors. It will keep your home comfortable and reduce your heating and cooling costs.

Install solar panels

Winter is a great time to plan for solar panels. They can generate your electricity, reduce your energy bills, and you can take advantage of government rebates and feed-in tariffs. Installers are also less busy during the winter time.

Install a heat pump

Heat pumps are efficient for both heating and cooling your home. They work well in moderate climates, making them perfect for many parts of Australia.

Save money and the planet

Being energy efficient not only cuts down on your bills, but it also helps the environment. By making these changes, you’re reducing your carbon footprint and promoting a healthier planet.

Take advantage of incentives

Look into community programs and government incentives for energy-efficient upgrades to your home. Many local governments offer rebates for things like insulation, energy-efficient windows, and renewable energy systems.

Keep up with maintenance

Regular maintenance of your home’s energy systems is important in keeping your energy costs down. Clean your solar panels, service your hot water, air conditioning and ventilation systems regularly, and check your home’s exterior to prepare for winter.

Your energy efficiency checklist:

  • service your heating system

  • install or set up a smart thermostat

  • seal draughts around windows and doors

  • use blockout curtains

  • adjust your water heater for efficiency

  • review your energy provider.

Bottom line

The sooner you follow these simple steps, the quicker you can keep  warm and save money. Start with easy fixes and plan for bigger investments that will pay off in the long run. 

Let this be the start of a more energy-efficient and sustainable home – one that actually saves you real dollars.

Go deeper: 

*$400 savings figure is calculated by customers on the most expensive energy plan in Victoria (compared against the VDO). Exact savings depend on the current direct market offers (either VDO or DMO) in your state, and your current provider.