Australians on the edge of breaking point as number of households close to negative equity skyrockets
Compare Club reveals that the number Australians in the serviceability danger zone has tripled since January
Australians on the edge of breaking point as number of households close to negative equity skyrockets
Compare Club reveals that the number Australians in the serviceability danger zone has tripled since January
Compare Club appoints Kate Browne as Head of Research & Insights
Ex-Yahoo! Finance editor joins the team
Australians are wasting $26.4m each year on ‘junk’ health insurance policies
Compare Club data highlights how many Australians are wasting money by buying the cheapest health insurance policies with little value just to avoid tax penalties.
Households urged to switch energy providers now ahead of July 1 price hike
Compare Club reveals NSW could save up to $714* per year if they switch energy providers this month
HECS-HELP Debt Indexation to put Australians further out of reach of home ownership
Analysis from Compare Club reveals the impact university debt is having on home loan serviceability.
Household bills causing anxiety for Australians with 1 in 5 struggling to make ends meet
New survey by Compare Club reveals 80% of Australians are stressed about their bills