How to arrange electricity and gas when moving house

Paul Coughran

Paul Coughran

Updated 01/05/2021

Read our in-depth guide on ensuring a continuous energy supply when you're moving house, whether you're on electricity, gas, solar, or a combination.

How to arrange electricity and gas when moving house

Connecting Gas and Electricity When Moving House

Key Points

  • Aim to give your energy retailer a week's notice before disconnecting and reconnecting your electricity and gas supply.

  • Take the opportunity to compare energy plans when moving house, as you may find a cheaper option for electricity and gas.

  • Energy rules and regulations are different in each state and territory, so don't assume that your electricity and gas will be managed in the same way.

Moving house comes with a to-do list so long, it can turn even the most organised person into a headless chicken.

Forgetting to label your boxes is manageable, but if you forget to arrange your electricity and gas connection, you could be sitting in the dark for days.

Here's what you need to know about ensuring a continuous energy supply when you're moving house, whether you're on electricity, gas, solar, or a combination of the three.

With advance planning, you can have a smooth and bright transition to your new home.


How do you disconnect your gas and electricity supply?

Each electricity and gas retailer may request a different notice period before a disconnection.

In most cases, you will need to give at least a week's notice before moving, though some retailers request only two to three days.

If you don't cancel your contract, you could still be charged for energy used at the property by the next residents.

It's a good idea to check your contract when you prepare to disconnect, as there may be terms you have forgotten about.

If you are currently on a contract term energy contract, you may have to pay an exit fee if it cannot be transferred.

If you paid a security deposit when you moved in, you should be able to have it refunded when the contract ends.

Disconnecting When You Live in a Share House

If you are leaving a share house and the energy bill is in your name, you'll need to make arrangements with your housemates.

Let your retailer know that you're changing your address, and that the account for the existing address will need to be put in someone else's name.

How do you establish a new energy connection?

Not all properties are connected to the electricity grid or gas network.

If you move into a property that is not currently hooked up to the energy supply, you will need to contact your electricity or gas distributor to arrange for a connection.

Distributors are the companies that own the poles and wires of an electricity grid and the gas pipelines of a gas network.

Establishing a new connection can take time and there may be costs involved, so you should start this process as early as possible.

Once your connection is set up, you'll need to shop around for a retail energy plan.

Ideally, this should all be taken care of before your move.

Difference between energy distributors and energy retailers

Energy Distributors

Energy Retailers

Own poles, wires + gas pipelines

Send you your bill

Provide information from smart meter to the retailer

Offer you an energy plan

Physically connect your home to the energy supply

Switch on' and 'switch off' energy to your property

You cannot change your distributor

In the most states, you can change your retailer

How do you reconnect your gas and electricity supply?

Moving house gives you the opportunity to save money on your gas and electricity bill, so you have a few options when it comes to reconnecting your energy supply.

No matter which one you choose, remember that you must organise your own energy plan with a retailer, even if you move in and find that the energy from the previous resident is still connected.

If you continue to use the existing supply, you may find that you're automatically signed up to the previous resident's plan, which might not be the best value for you.

Keep your current energy retailer

Happy with your current retailer? You can organise to simply transfer your account from your existing address to your new one.

When you give your notice of disconnection, you can arrange for a reconnection at the same time.

However, check that the change of address doesn't affect your current plan.

If you haven't compared electricity and gas plans lately, moving is a great time to do it.

Your new house may impact your energy usage; for example, it may have solar panels or better insulation.

Shop around for energy plans before arranging your reconnection and you could find a deal that saves you money.

Switch energy retailers

Ready to make the switch to a cheaper energy plan?

All you need to do is set up an account with your new retailer and provide the date for your new electricity and gas supply to be switched on.

You should give your new retailer at least two days' notice, preferably longer, to avoid any gaps in supply.

Moving interstate

Aussies who move interstate may find that the energy market doesn't work in the way they're used to.

Not only do prices vary across states, energy is regulated differently and may even come from different sources.

You may find that you could benefit more from renewable energy in your new state, or that you're now restricted as to what plan you can purchase.

Don't assume that the energy options in your new state or territory will be the same, as they are likely to change.

Moving house and solar panels

When you move, your solar panels and feed-in tariffs usually don't move with you.

This can be good if you're moving into a house with solar panels, but not so good if your new house is lacking them.

By moving, you will lose any government feed-in tariffs associated with your panels, but you'll also adopt any that are in place in your new home.

In addition to government feed-in tariffs, some retailers offer additional feed-in tariffs for energy fed back into the grid thanks to your solar panels.

When you're arranging to reconnect electricity in your new home, compare solar electricity plans before making a decision.

Remember to consider eligibility requirements as well, because making changes to the solar system can affect feed-in tariffs.

Tips for moving house

  • If power was disconnected at your new house, check the fuse box to make sure the main switches are turned off until the new connection has been completed.

  • If you're switching suppliers, give your old retailer your new address so they know where to send the final bill.

  • Check and record the meter readings at your old place before you leave, and your new place before you start using energy. This allows you to compare your actual readings with the first and last bills and identify any inconsistencies.

  • Compare energy plans so you can make an informed decision before making arrangements to disconnect and reconnect your energy supply.

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This guide is opinion only and should not be taken as financial advice. Check with a financial professional before making any decisions.

Paul Coughran is the General Manager of Emerging Verticals at Compare Club. Paul has over 20 years of experience across a wide range of industries including Banking and Finance, Telecommunications and Energy. Paul leads a team of trusted experts dedicated to helping individuals make informed decisions about their insurance and utilities needs.

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Paul Coughran

General Manager of Utilities

Things you should know is an on-line energy comparison service and is owned and operated by Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd (ACN: 634 600 007). We provide offers on behalf of a number of energy retailers, and have also partnered with Zembl to provide you access to their expert staff to assist in selecting the most appropriate energy packages from their panel of providers. Compare Club doesn’t compare all products from all retailers and not all products are available to all customers. In providing a comparison, we don’t necessarily compare all features that may be relevant to you. Please consider the individual product terms and conditions carefully to ensure the product is right for you.