Compare Club Contributor

Compare Club Contributor

Updated 15/11/2021

Want to get a good rate on your car loan but don’t know where to start? It’s easy to leave the finance side of things to the dealership, but doing this could cost you more than $2,400 over a loan term of five years*.

Compare Club can help you find the best deal on a car loan, so you’re ready to walk into the car showroom with your finance already sorted.

If you haven’t got your car finance sorted before you walk into the dealership, you might feel pressured into taking a higher-interest car loan instead of finding a lower rate that works for your financial situation.

Keep in mind that some car dealers may:

  • Spike the rate. Rates at the dealership can often be higher than those offered by other lenders.

  • Offer products you don’t need. Other dealerships might make money from add-ons such as rust proofing your car, roof racks, and bundled life or home insurance products. 

  • Take advantage of your lack of knowledge. You could be hit with large, back-ended balloon payments that may be higher than the value of your car at the end of the loan term. 

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How you can get a better deal with Compare Club

Shopping around for loans before you head into the dealership - and knowing what you can afford to spend  means you’ll have a better idea of your budget. It also gives you a way to work out if the dealer’s finance is good value or not.  

Compare Club can help you find a better value car loan than the high-interest loans sometimes offered at the dealership. Here’s how we do it: 

  • Easy to understand comparison. We show you lenders side-by-side so it’s easy to see which loan is the best fit for your needs. 

  • Compare rates with or without a balloon payment 

  • No impact on your credit score. Comparing car loans with Compare Club won’t affect your credit score.

  • Cut repayment costs: if you already have a loan, we can help you switch to a better rate with our refinancing product.

Fast and free. The quick and easy online process takes less than five minutes to find the car loan that’s the right fit for your budget. Get started now.

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So, if you want to be in the driver’s seat when it comes to financing your car, take a few minutes to get a quick and easy quote with Compare Club today.

This article is opinion only and should not be taken as financial advice. Check with a financial professional before making any decisions.

*Internal numbers show that on average a customer who secured a $30,000 loan with CarClarity over 5 years would pay $2,400 less than market rates.