Did you know... there's been a disabled dependants cover change?

Fact Checked
Updated 16/08/2022
Did you know... there's been a disabled dependants cover change?

Time to read : 1 Minutes

Did you know...? is Expert Analysis's quick must-know fact for Australian households.

Think of it as an espresso hit of personal finance news.

Today's Did you know...? is for parents who have a disabled child and want to keep them covered on the family health insurance.

Here's what you need to know:

Going deeper:

  • Not all insurers have removed the age cap.

  • Many funds are still figuring out if or when they want to remove the age cap so expect this to change a lot fund-by-fund.

  • Not sure if your chosen fund is covered? Compare Club experts can help.

  • Adult children can now stay on family health insurance up to the age of 31. Read our expert Andrew Davis' explanation of what this means.